3 Ways to Jumpstart Your Summer Social Media Campaign

Want to kickstart your summer marketing strategy? Looking for ways to freshen up your image online? Follow these tips to boost your business this summer!

Spread the Word

Don’t be afraid to be shameless when promoting your social media handles. Include your handles (@yourbusiness) on everything you do — if you’re presenting at a conference, include it in your slideshow. When you order new business cards, print it at the bottom!

Hop on Board Weekly Hashtag Themes

Build your following on social media by actively participating in the community. That means posting old pics on #ThrowbackThursday and jumping on board other weekly or daily themes – you’ll tap into the loyal audience that regularly checks those hashtags and expand your reach outside your normal bounds.

Check Your Competition

Once a week, sneak a peek at your competition’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. Take a good look at what they are posting and which posts attract the most likes and shares. Take note of what works and use their example to boost your own social media presence.

To learn more ways to use social media as part of your digital marketing strategy, contact the team at Vision Fillers today!

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